Human Rights Analysis of the Doha Gateway (UNFCCC 18th Conference of the Parties) (2013)

Overall, the outcomes from Doha demonstrate, yet again, a failure of political will to take the urgent action that is needed to solve the climate crisis. In addition, human rights are not directly reflected in the Doha decisions despite the fact that the issues discussed and the decisions made impact the lives and livelihoods of those most vulnerable to climate change. Ongoing work to finalize operational elements of the 2013-20 climate regime still provide opportunities to integrate human rights considerations into key processes and mechanisms. Furthermore, negotiations for addressing climate change beyond 2020 provide opportunities to integrate human rights more meaningfully into the future regime. Nevertheless, the success of any process depends on the political will of the governments participating in it. Therefore, while the UNFCCC remains an important venue for climate policy, we must also explore other avenues for mobilizing countries to act and to consider human rights in taking such actions.

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